FREE OPD for Strays

In Patient Department (IPD) at Blue Cross Society Of Pune

FREE OPD treatment for stray dogs and cats at BCS

We provide FREE outpatient department (OPD) treatment for stray cats and dogs and Indian mixed-breed adopted dogs and cats. Our OPD time currently is 10 am to 5 pm – Monday to Saturday. We also provide FREE anti-rabies vaccination for strays and mixed-breed adopted pets. Please note we do not admit dogs or cats for inpatient treatment due to a lack of kennel space and facilities to manage their in-house treatment.

Kindly do not abandon sick or injured stray dogs or cats at BCS. We already had over 60+ abandoned dogs/cats living inside the BCS hospital due to their abandonment by rescuers and pet owners.

For any queries, write to us at [email protected]