Can street dog be made pets?

Adopt Street Dogs - and its mission

Established in 1994 by visionary individuals, Mrs. Sunanda Das and Mr. Subir Das, the Blue Cross Society of Pune emerged from a heartfelt concern for the well-being of stray animals and Street Dogs in Pune. At BCS, our goal is to provide compassionate care for stray dogs and cats to ensure they receive the necessary health and medical attention for a healthier and happier life. We have a team of highly experienced in-house veterinarians and visiting veterinarians.

Stray dogs can be amazing pets. Often, they live in challenging situations, but when given a chance, they can adapt themselves wonderfully to the family they are adopted into. With proper training, love, and veterinary care, they can thrive in their new home. Before adopting a stray dog, it’s important to assess their temperament and make sure to check if they have any underlying health issues so that they receive the necessary treatment and vaccinations. It’s even incredible if one can adopt old or special needs stray dogs, as it saves their lives and, most importantly, offers them an opportunity to be loved and cared for, when they are totally forgotten beings.

Understanding Street Dogs

A street dog, is also known as a stray dog, lives and roams around freely as they don’t have a permanent home or an owner. They scavenge for food and live in temporary shelters. They are either born on the streets or, often, they may be lost or abandoned by their owners.

Some common misconceptions about street dogs are that they are aggressive, but in reality, while a few may display fear-based aggression due to their past experiences with nasty humans, many are friendly, loving, and gentle souls and can make amazing pets. Street dogs cannot be trained; this is also a myth, as street dogs are highly intelligent and adaptable, and with proper care and positive reinforcement, they can comprehend commands and rules and also complete complex tasks.

Benefits of Adopting a Street Dog

Positive Impact on the Dog’s Life: When you adopt a stray dog, you give them a new life. A safe, loving home with nutritious meals along with regular medical care not only keeps them physically healthy but also emotionally.

Contribution to Reducing Stray Animal Population: Each adoption means one less dog on the streets, and when others get inspired and adopt stray dogs, it significantly reduces their population and also reduces the burden on animal shelters and rescue organisation.

Health and Emotional Benefits for Adopters: Adopting a stray dog and giving them a loving home can build your purpose and enhance your own emotional well-being. Their unconditional love and companionship can drastically reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

Steps to Adopting a Stray Dog

Spend some time to check on the dog’s physical health and temperament. Evaluate if the dog needs any specific training or medical care to ensure the dog gets crucial help to adjust to the new surroundings and people. Provide positive reinforcement, care, and patience to customize the dog to build confidence and trust with new family members. And schedule a vet visit for a regular check-up, discuss and perform sterilisation and provide necessary vaccinations.

Life of a Street Dog

A stray dog faces multiple challenges in their daily lives, right from scavenging for food to being malnourished. They are exposed to extreme weather conditions; they have frequent health challenges, including injuries from accidents and fights; and if they are unsterilised, there is uncontrolled breeding of stray puppies, adding to the woes of the overpopulation. Due to these circumstances, stray dogs often have a shorter life span compared to pet dogs that are well taken care of. Despite these challenges, many stray dogs are resilient and can thrive and be loving companions when adopted into a caring homes.

Adopt Street Dogs -

Services Offered by BCS Pune

Free OPD

Free checkup, treatments for stray dogs/cats and Indie mixed breed pet dogs/cats. And reasonable charges for purebred pets (dog/cat)

Free vaccinations

FREE anti-rabies vaccines (ARV) for all stray dogs/cats and Indian mixed breed dogs/cats.  9-in-1 vaccine for dogs and Tri-Cat vaccine for Cats are also provided at minimal rates or free for strays as per availability.

Sterilisation for Stray Dogs

Free sterilisation for stray dogs with post operative care.

Sterilisation for Stray Cats

Cat sterilisation cost is Rs.1000 per stray cat (male/female) with 7 days post operative care.

Diagnostics and Hematology

Blood tests ( CBC, LFT, and KFT ) are charged at a nominal cost. X- rays are also charged at low cost.


You can adopt friendly dogs and cats who are eagerly waiting for their forever homes at BCS.


Mon – Sat: 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM


Email: [email protected]

FAQs About Street Dogs

  • What is a stray dog and how does it differ from a pet?

A stray dog lives on the street, they don’t have a permanent home or owner. They are either born on the street or are lost or abandoned by their owner. They scavenge for food, are exposed to extreme weather conditions, and often lack medical care and have health issues.

A pet dog has a protected life. They live indoors with their owner, receive regular meals, receive veterinary care, including vaccinations, and are sterilised. Due to the love and care they receive from their owner; they enjoy good physical and emotional health.

  • Are Street dogs safe to adopt?

Yes, street/stray dogs are safe to adopt. With proper care and understanding they can be wonderful pets.

  • How can I help street dogs without adopting?

You can help street dogs in many ways: by providing regular nutritious food and clean water, assisting in getting them sterilised and vaccinated, fostering the dog until a permanent home is found, volunteering to help in shelters or during rescue operations, raising awareness within the community about the importance of dog sterilisation, vaccination and showing compassion towards these animals, and donating funds, supplies, or one’s time to NGOs that help these animals.


Adopting stray dogs enriches the lives of both the dogs and the families that adopt them. It gives these animals a second chance to thrive in a loving home and care, and in return, they shower the adoptive families with selfless love and loyalty. When stray dogs are adopted, it reduces their population and also helps to remove the burden from animal shelters. And like every being, stray dogs too have their rights to live with care and respect.

At BCS Pune, we care for all the stray dogs and cats and believe that every animal deserves the best possible chance at a healthy life. Our services are specifically meant for stray cats and dogs and Indian mixed breed pet dogs and cats, to ensure that they receive timely medical assistance.

We are happy to welcome any form of support towards us, be it for the adoption of stray dogs and cats, as volunteers, in-kind, or financial help. Every contribution, big or small, makes a significant impact.

If you are interested in supporting us, please get in touch with us at [email protected]. We would be happy to provide more information.